


I'm teaching a graduate seminar in Professional Writing Theory at Purdue
this fall. One of the first issues I want to look at in the seminar is the
question of how to define "Professional Writing." As grist for the mill, I
thought I'd ask a number of people in the field to define what they mean
by the term.  I wonder whether you'd like to venture taking a stab at
describing in a sentence or two (or three or four) what "Professional
Writing" means, as you see it?  Thanks a lot.  I'll be happy to share the
results of the exercise with you.

Apologies to anyone receiving multiple copies of this message.


Graham Smart
Assistant Professor
Department of English
324 Heavilon Hall
Purdue University
West Lafayette
Indiana 47907

Office phone: (765) 496-1593
Home phone: (765) 496-2373
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