

Dear Don:

Hi!  How are you?  You sound pretty good.

In answer to your post, I had an email like this:
[log in to unmask]   Your have a postcard

I have never received anything like this before.  I have to put in savings
until I ask around.  I don't want to buy something I don't want or need.

How this does find you well.  How is your weather?  It was hot & muggy here
(Northern Indiana) until last night.  The rain that we needed so badly came
all at once.  Our backyard was under water but when I got up this AM is was
back to Normal.  The plants are all excited with their little leaves swaying
and pointing up due to the moisture.
Well, now it is back to muggy.
Take care and more later
TTFN     (TaTaForNow)
47/8 mos