


I'm an Engineer, and we (especially me) are notorious for our bad
spelling and writing. I find that since the computer age came in (I'm
from the old school of sliderules, manual typewriters, mimeograph
machines, etc.), my spelling has improved (and hopefully my
grammar-which my machine checks also if I request it). I attribute this
to seeing very quickly and easily the errors, and learning from them. I
believe "Spell Checkers" can teach, but we have to be willing to learn.
One thing though, it hasn't done a thing for my Arkansas (hate to admit
that's where I'm from) accent. By the way, we don't want him back when
Washington is through with him.


> ----------
> From:         Gina Cass.[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Thursday, August 06, 1998 3:02 PM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
> Subject:      Re: NON PD, Spell Checkers
> Barb:
> Only in North America can these things happen.  Oh, please help us if
> our
> children are being educated only on "Spell Checkers".   I live in fear
> for
> this the signature of our babies will spell out Momm on our Mother's
> Day Card.
> Gina
> 47/8 mos