

-- [ From: Bob Martone * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

To All List Members,

I spoke to Stan's wife Shirley Houston today. She informed me that Stan
died on June 3, 1998 of natural causes possibly a stroke and possibly a
heart attack. He died in the hospital while Xrays were being taken of
his abdomen to see if there was an intestinal blockage. Shirley said
that Stan's over all health had been in rapid decline with nothing that
could be singled out except the rapid progression of his PD. On June 2,
he was not feeling well and on June 3, Shirley called 911 because Stan
had lapsed into a coma.

The pallidotomy on his right brain ( for his left side) had provided
relief from much of the pain that he was experiencing. His left side was
doing better but his right side remained troubled and his balance was
quite bad after the surgery. He had lost his ability to concentrate on
most things except his love for the internet and his many friends on the
listserv. Shirley wanted to express her heartfelt thanks for the love
and caring that she new Stan was getting from the list. She wanted to
apologise for not letting the list know what happened but was having
difficulty discussing Stan's death.

Shirley made Stan's brain available to the University of Texas team that
had performed the pallidotomy. She was leaving today to visit her son
and daugter-in-law who had there third child yesterday, a baby boy.

I offered Shirley any help that the Parkinson community could provide.
She thanked me and again thanked all of you. Shirley does not have an
internet connection now.

Bob Martone
Bob Martone(Nancy 53/23)