

Dear Barb:

I need your help.  I was cruising through the email when low and behold a
title appreared.  It said Gina 105#
"How about Live-1on-1 Sex Action 24 hrs a day. Never Pre-recorded. Totally
interactive simply tell me what to do and I will do it for you at an instant
P.S.  If you got a quickcam I can see you as well.

Click here"

Now, this is not me but it was included in my email, mixed up with things that
said Gina.  I don't really like the content of this.  And I have never really
like Porn that much. Waste of good time, flesh and money.  There are other
things for those that indulge in "Kiddie Porn"
So, can I sue.  No money, just the principal.  I just never saw my name.
Any help you can give me, would be greatly apprecated.
Gina Not that Gina This Gina. Get it?
The Gina with her clothes on.  Hows that?
47/7 yrs