

Phil, and Gail,

     Personally, I don' think paranoia is involved here.  The
point I tried to make previously was that perhaps trying to get everyone all
worked up over this issue with web sites etc. is unnecessary. We elect a
Congress and a President to take care of certain things without our daily
hands-on supervision. Why let them off the hook and imply to them that they
only have to tackle the hard issues if they get cards & letters from us
telling them what to do?  How many "issues" can I be expected to get worked
up over?  My plate is overflowing & the edges are beginning to turn downward
my life is so complicated, as are most peoples'.  At some point you HAVE to
let someone else do it.  In this case it's also a great test on how well
they handle a crisis!  As for meds, there are enough people out there for
whom death is one or 2 missing pills away that make PWP's needs minor.
THEY will make sure it gets fixed. I heard on the radio yesterday the FAA
has all the controller's computers fixed already.  If the computer pukes
feel a professional responsibility in some
way, well - go for it!   Personally if my garage door will not open
on New Years Day I'll just put it in 4WD & have some fun!  Life is too

-----Original Message-----
>From: Phil Tompkins <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 9:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Y2K Paranoia
>Ken Rowland wrote:
>> I'm just a little weary of you prophets of doom proclaiming the
>> apocalypse with all computers coming to a grinding halt at
>> 01/01/2000 00:00:00.
>I'm curious.  Who said this?  Have you been reading Gary North?
>> I've been a professional programmer for 38 years
>So you must be familiar with software projects that miss their target
>dates, Murphy's law, etc.
>> and I'm here to say the problem is over blown.
>What do you make of the testimony of Harris N. Miller, President
>Information Technology Association of America before the House Small
>Business Committee, 7-15-98?  See
>> Sure there are programs that perform arithmetic on 2-digit years
>> and sure, some won't get fixed
>How many programs have you written that won't work in 2000 and that
>still run today?  What business functions to they perform?
>> stopping the supply of prescription drugs is a flight of fancy.
>Someone needs to ask what the expected impact will be.  We have no
>information yet from the pharmaceutical industry and their suppliers
>and distributors regarding Y2K readiness.  Can you provide any?
>Bob Anibal wrote:
>> I checked with some people I know in the drug business and
>> was told  - yes there is a problem but people will get
>> their medications.
>Thanks for looking into this. It would be nice if you could give a
>little more detail.  Who did you check with?  What is their position?
>What are they in a position to know?  What problem?
>Here are I believe the current manufacturers or suppliers of sinemet,
>according to a monograph on sinemet I found on-line at
>Aligen Independ
>Dupont Pharma
>Endo Labs
>Geneva Pharms
>Glasgow Pharm
>Goldline Labs
>H.C.F.A. F F P
>Harber Pharm
>HL Moore Drug Exch
>Major Pharms
>Purepac Pharm
>Qualitest Pharms
>Schein Pharm
>United Res
>Vangard Labs
>West Point Pharma
>Does anyone have any info on what these companies's status is re
>their Y2K projects?
>Phil Tompkins
>Hoboken NJ