

Dear Barbara & Bill,
   As Bill Heitman pointed out, there are 8-10 of us who can be seen at
     But the site seems seems to be dowm [at least to my efforts] but if you  would like to try my "private" line at  I know that my address is in operating
[no pun intended] order. It shows 14 images[12 in color] with text.If you view it be sure to run to the very end of #14 to avoid missing some text.I had my 2nd side pallidotomy video taped and have a 55 minute video as a result. We can talk about that if you have any questions. By the way there is very little blood. So enjoy yourselves! [Ya,Right you say]
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    was blind, but now I see.

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