

Can the NPF sell something like this as a fundraiser?

SOmeone posted something about a Tulip pin- I am not a pin person myself
and am not a bumper sticker person either (normally) but would want to get
a decal...

I don't have a visible tree to wrap a ribbon around as Barb M suggested (no
offence meant Barb- just my situation) but I do think that most people have
car(s) at least in the US.  (Even if you don't drive, you do have a car in the family
right?)  And people are not as apt to get worked up about a decal (as opposed to
their voting rights :-) )

Being an email and web junkie, how about adding the PD Ring web site address?

On another thought, is there someone who does this kind of thing as a business/
know someone who can do this?

abi (whose Dad has PD)