

Hi Leslie,

        I am copying Wendy's original proposal for you below.  She has since propsed
that it be implemented on Aug. 16 but I accidentally lost that post.  Wendy,
where are you?  Could you please either repost your latest message or write an

Barbara Blake-Krebs
Merriam  KS
[log in to unmask]

I'd like to propose, since we have so many people who read this list, in

many countries and towns, the following idea.  Why don't we collectively

choose a day and a time, at which everyone who reads this list, or is

otherwise connected with it,  to each pray/meditate/visualize for a cure for

PD.  Christianity (the Bible) says that when one or more are gathered and

pray in God's name, anything can be done.  Deepak Chopra, and other

"Newagers" talk about how our beliefs and perceptions create our reality,

and if we really want something to happen, we need to put the intention for

it out into the "void" and the universe will work to bring it about.  (He

also does say tho' that one can't be too attached to the outcome, in the

sense of being obssessed with achieving it or whatever).  Quantum physics

talks about how the universe is in part revealed to us via experimentation,

dependent on the way in which  we have chosen to conduct the experiment.

Other religious/spiritual/philisophical traditions also have similar beliefs

about how reality is created and shaped.  In a sense, we are co-creators

with the Big Creator, of our reality, and this reality can be shaped by our

beliefs.  There is also strength in numbers, and maybe by sending out our

desires for a cure to this disease, all at the same time, while also

remembering to give thanks for this desired outcome, as if it were already a

reality, we might be surprised.  I think it'd be a cool experiment anyway

and maybe even a good publicity stunt!

There's a biologist, Rupert Sheldrake, who talks about these fields

(morphogenic fields?), which exist everywhere, and along which information

travels almost instantaneously.  There's a story (which I've also heard

Deepak Chopra relate) about some monkeys somewhere, who found some fruit

lying in the dirt near a body of water and somehow on their own, figured out

that if they rinsed it in the water, it became more edible.  Supposedly

other monkeys in this group also picked up on this, and it began to spread.

Eventually monkeys at far distances away, who were too far to have had any

direct phsyical contact with these first monkeys, were also found to be

washing their fruit.  In summary, the theory is that once a critical number

of individuals gain a certain knowledge, it becomes part of the collective

unconciousness, which all then have access to.

In the same vein, I think that if we all agree to do this idea at an agreed

upon date and time (wiith a special significance - say at a solstice, full

moon, historical even, etc?.),  maybe by sheer strength of numbers we can

help speed the universe along to the outcome to which we all desire.  If we

all believe as if a cure is imminent, and meditate on that as if it were

already true, then I think we could accelerate things along past this

critical mass which stands in our way.  Then, we could all get on with

pursuing, full steam ahead, whatever our life's purpose/passion may be, and

do it unencumbered by pd.  Boy, do I have alot of plans, that would be

infinitely easier to accomplish without pd, than with (altho' I intend to

pursue them irregardless).  I also have the hidden agenda of trying to find

a cure for myself that will either not be dependent, or be minimally so, on

animal research.  I'm looking for a miracle, and I believe it can happen,

especially if enough of us also believe it.  (If they're experimenting with

animals now with a drug which can possibly regrow nerve connections in the

brain, why can't I do that myself without drugs?)  I need more than just

myself tho' for this critical mass, and I want it to benefit everyone with

pd, not just myself.  (See, I KNOW I'm going to conquer this - but that only

helps me - I'd like to have everyone also feel as certain, even if only for

one minute on an agreed upon day).   This idea might seem flaky to some but

I'd like to propose it anyway and see what everyone thinks.  It certainly

couldn't hurt anything.  If anyone had ideas on a good day/time, please also

bring them up too.

Wendy Tebay

[log in to unmask]

>Forgive me...
>I had to do a massive delete due to an extended vacation from my
>computer.  What is this and how can I participate?  Email me offline
>if you like.
>---Barbara Blake-Krebs <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Wendy,
>>         I've marked my calendar for Aug.  16, and will be emailing
>my church, a local
>> tm center, a local peace organization, local PD contacts, friends,
>and family
>> members later today.  Would appreciate another copy of your posting
>this a.m.
>> as a reference (I think my cat ate it for breakfast :-(  !)
>> Regards,
>> Barbara Blake-Krebs 57/1984
>> Merriam  KS
>> [log in to unmask]
>> <<
>> sWendy, I've marked my calendar.  I prefer the dawn
>prayer/meditation time
>> and will do so with positive thinking.
>> Jeanette Fuhr 47/8mos.
>> Wendy said in Part:>
>> >
>> >
>> > My Faith
>> > Your Faith
>> > Individually
>> > Powerful
>> > Together
>> > Invinsible
>> > Moving
>> > Mountains
>> > With
>> > Tiny
>> > Seeds.
>> >
>> >
>> > ************
>> >
>> > Let's Do It!!
>> >
>> > Wendy Tebay
>> >>
>Leslie Lillard Walden  ([log in to unmask])
>h:  617-424-9126       w:  617-563-7639