

Like Ida, upon awakening, I can usually go for about two hours without any
drugs - IF I don't start doing things 'round the house.  Remaining calm and
relaxed is MY personal key to not initially needing them stinkin' drugs the
minute I get up.

I've noticed, again, like Ida, that IF I should happen to take my first meds
of the day relatively soon after awakening, I don't get the full med-benefit
that I get with the delayed start-time.  In fact, my entire drug schedule for
that day is thrown off, and I have to kinda feel my way along throughout the
day when it comes to taking any subsequent drug doses.   I'm pretty savvy
about my own PD, so that's not impossible, but it's much easier to be on my
usual regular time schedule.
By the way.... I did NOT have that 2 hour "grace-time" upon arising prior to
my Oct., 1994 pallidotomy.  It was just one of the beneficial results of that
blessed surgery....

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ida & Andre Kamphuis
Sent:   Wednesday, August 05, 1998 12:37 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKI       Re: mornings

At 13:28 5-8-98 -0500, you wrote:
>When I wake up in the morning I can go for an hour or more not needing any
>medication.  Tremors are my  main problem but it seems strange to me that
>after all night you wouldn't be in great need of something.  Is anyone
>experiencing this?
>Marianne Rome  6l /l51/2

Yes I am experiencing this. In fact I can go on for two hours, if I don't
try to do things with much effort. I once read something about it and it
was called sleep-benfit. Starting the first sinemet not before two hours
after I've gotten up, I benefit more from it than if I start it immediately
after I've gotten up.
The only symptom which sometimes shows up during this drug-free period is a
tremor, which is totally absent the rest of my day. The symptoms, which are
most troublesome are a combination of dystonia and dyskinesia which starts
in the evening 3 or 4 hours after I took my last sinemet and lasts about 1

Ida Kamphuis sinemetCR 100/25 1 and 1/2 each day
54/14        sinemet gen. 100/25 1/2 each day
             Tasmar 100          2 each day
             eldepryl            2 each day
             permax 0.05         7 and 1/2 each day
             orphenadrine 50     5 each day

Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,

Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]