

"Daley heard about it -- actually I think he heard
about it after they
rented the buses but before they got on them -- and did
a very fast about-

Unlike his Papa who spent the better part of his
administration beating the c**p out of  protesters.
(yes, I served. Yes, I came home and protested.) It is
a viable tactic. A PWP demonstration would have to be
timed to perfection to get national news coverage.
Staging something in front of the White House is a
waste of time. Hundreds of people do that everyday, to
no effect. It would have to be inside one of the
government buildings.

Would you be willing to be arrested? Can you picture
the news coverage of 500 PWP's being carried off to

The test, however, should be if this would have a
positive or negative impact on the funding issue, and
the true questions are "Have we heard enough of the
promises to do something drastic?" "Are we tired enough
of being civil, of walking the halls of Congress and
saying, 'Please, help'?" Anyone have an answer?

On falling: My CO would yell at me, as he tried to
teach me how to rappel off very tall structures, that
no one ever got hurt falling. It was the sudden stop at
the end that became dangerous.