

Me too!  Add me to the list of being better in the mornings SINCE MY
SURGERY.  I'm so much better in the morning I can write the checks, pay the
bills I start down hill about the time Dr. Laura comes on. 12 noon.

By 6 pm Take me out of the oven because I'm done for the day.  In fact,in
the evenings, my voice is so slurred especially over the phone you would
swear I was drunk.  Not a pleasant feeling so I usually just go to bed.

>Like Ida, upon awakening, I can usually go for about two hours without any
>drugs - IF I don't start doing things 'round the house.  Remaining calm and
>relaxed is MY personal key to not initially needing them stinkin' drugs the
>minute I get up.
>I've noticed, again, like Ida, that IF I should happen to take my first meds
>of the day relatively soon after awakening, I don't get the full med-benefit
>that I get with the delayed start-time.  In fact, my entire drug schedule for
>that day is thrown off, and I have to kinda feel my way along throughout the
>day when it comes to taking any subsequent drug doses.   I'm pretty savvy
>about my own PD, so that's not impossible, but it's much easier to be on my
>usual regular time schedule.
>By the way.... I did NOT have that 2 hour "grace-time" upon arising prior to
>my Oct., 1994 pallidotomy.  It was just one of the beneficial results of that
>blessed surgery....
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]
>From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Ida & Andre Kamphuis
>Sent:   Wednesday, August 05, 1998 12:37 PM
>To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKI       Re: mornings
>At 13:28 5-8-98 -0500, you wrote:
>>When I wake up in the morning I can go for an hour or more not needing any
>>medication.  Tremors are my  main problem but it seems strange to me that
>>after all night you wouldn't be in great need of something.  Is anyone
>>experiencing this?
>>Marianne Rome  6l /l51/2
>Yes I am experiencing this. In fact I can go on for two hours, if I don't
>try to do things with much effort. I once read something about it and it
>was called sleep-benfit. Starting the first sinemet not before two hours
>after I've gotten up, I benefit more from it than if I start it immediately
>after I've gotten up.
>The only symptom which sometimes shows up during this drug-free period is a
>tremor, which is totally absent the rest of my day. The symptoms, which are
>most troublesome are a combination of dystonia and dyskinesia which starts
>in the evening 3 or 4 hours after I took my last sinemet and lasts about 1
>Ida Kamphuis sinemetCR 100/25 1 and 1/2 each day
>54/14        sinemet gen. 100/25 1/2 each day
>             Tasmar 100          2 each day
>             eldepryl            2 each day
>             permax 0.05         7 and 1/2 each day
>             orphenadrine 50     5 each day
>Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,
>Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]