


As has been explained to me, the falling results from a loss of balance
capacity which is located neurologically in the same areas of the brain
which are affected by PD -- and hence is a common PD ssymptom.

I can't comment on the dizziness per se, except to note that I am incredibly
groggy each am, with the onset either upon waking, or, what is more frequent
and more frustrating, with the onset a half-hour to an hour after waking
seemingly fresh as a     daisy, and lasting anywhere from one to 6  hours.
I've altered the  timings and doses of each of my meds (eldypryl, sinemet,
mirapex and zoloft) to try to  identify the  perpetrator, all to no avail.
All I know is that this began about 2.5 years back.

My physicians seem clueless as to why this happens.


John Bachman 56/3.5