

Last night we had the inaugural meeting of our new support group in Sherman
TX--much enthusiasm and willingness to contribute from the 11 folks (7PWP,
4CGs) who attended.  So despite the small group, we're encouraged.  Also,
one of our local TV stations did a 5-minute interview Monday about the new
group with me and a PWP I asked to join me--she's real active and owner of
a quarter horse stable in the area.    Local neuro who is supporting the
group was there to encourage and answer questions.  She has assigned an
outreach person from a local hospital rehab center to do all the initial
set-up, which is wonderful!  As soon as we get off the ground, this person
will bow out and the the group should take on a life of its own.  Think
good thoughts for us!

Emily Jackson, CG Jim 70/2

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