


Your  MD is uniformed.  Dr. Gerald Burke, of  UCLA's Neck and
Throat Clinic has been performing this procedure on Parkies for a coupla
years and it's become SO mainstream that Kaiser Permanente, the
world's oldest and largest HMO provides it for THEIR patients.

As a matter of fact, this procedure has been around for YEARS and is
used WORLD WIDE on cancer patients who've had treatment on their
vocal cords, and for other patients who've other types of medical
problems with their vocal cords (i.e., injury due to accidents, etc).  It's
also commonly used on elderly men who've suffered loss of vocal volume
due to aging.

The procedure IS relatively new where Parkinson's treatment is
concerned because no one ever THOUGHT of using it on Parkies till
about 2 years ago.   Dr . Burke was apparently the first MD to THINK
of, and TRY the procedure on Parkinson's patients.   It was very
successful, and  the rest, as they say, is history.

I'm sending you, via email, a copy of the UCLA Web about the collagen
injection procedure and suggest you print a copy of it and send it on to
your MD in order to further enlighten her.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of jim and emily jackson
Sent:   Thursday, August 06, 1998 5:38 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        collagen injections

barb malllut: re your recent (ongoing?) collagen injections--we asked our
neurologist last night about them when she was lauding the botox
solution--she said they are not approved in the US and only available in
Europe.  True?  Are yours in the "experimental" category, or is she simply

Emily Jackson

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