

Dear List,

I have something important to say.  So listen up!

When you decide to jump off the cliff into the world of non-profits, most of
the time it is clouded by people who talk and don't listen.   Add to this
the uncertainty of partnering with people you don't know that well, and it
usually means chaos.

Sometimes you get lucky and you find someone you mesh with really well.
Well I got lucky twice.  Harold Jones and his daughter, Karen Bardo have
been everything and more than I could have dreamed of.  Harold is the
quintessential professional.  He works tirelessly.  Giving up his retirement
time that he earned as a business owner and banker.  He always knows someone
who can give us advice we are seeking.  That is a lot better than those that
arbitrarily give advice on everything whether they have a background or feel
like it is time to fly from the seat of their pants again.

He never lets things get to him.  Always the model of patience, he is a role
model for myself and the rest of the society.  Rather than waste time
badgering the IRS or a lawyer, he asks those in the know what  protocol or
procedure is.  He succeeds where others offend and move on to their next
pawn, using them to set up the rest of the field in some arrogant,
egomaniacal game centered around  a selfish agenda.

Karen Bardo is caring and bright advocate who is always looking out for her
fellow directors and friends.  She puts a kind face on our non-profit.  She
also can be a bulldog when she has a cause worth fighting for.  We have come
to rely on each other for emotional and empathetic support.  She has a sixth
sense when it comes to people.  She is and will continue to be the glue that
holds the Maine Parkinson Society together.

I will continue to enjoy my stay with the Maine Parkinson Society as long as
they continue to be  a integral part that makes us go!


Greg Leeman
President- Maine Parkinson Society