

 Dennis Greene wrote & Brian
 a few days ago,  were discussing
>freezing and related subjects and someone came in with quite a lot of what
>seemed to me to be rather far out claims..

Well, I have another.

A friend with PD maintains that they can walk backwards easier than they
can walk forwards sometimes.  If this helps to break a freeze (and you have
a handy guide or a clear pathway) then why not try it?

I also remember reading (from this List I am sure) that if you are having
trouble with small cramped writing, that if you write the letters from
bottom to top and from right to left instead of the normal way - that is,
reversing them, then you can make a good big letter (printing is best for

Bob tried this when we were having to label boxes (on our last move) and it
worked really well, especially for a few critical words.

We showed this writing technique to a PD specialist OT in Melbourne and she
was amazed and delighted and kept the sample of Bob's work!

Fooling the brain again...


Joy Graham