

To all on the list:

I guess, by the posts, that mentioning, talking, posting, writing, about
anything other then Parkinson's Disease is frowned upon by some of the list.
If it is decided that only!!!!! Parkinson's related material will be allowed.
I do have freedom of speech, but if that is what is decided I will abide by
the rule.  I will also post to the other group of Parkinson's  and that's
probably were most of my posts will be.  I can't see the point to censor the
posts.  I have been trying to adjust to the disease, but I do that with
laughter, compassion, Hugs and finding out how is your son, daughter, dog,
cat.  My pets are very important to me right now.  I am homebound, and they
bring me joy.  But more importantly, what bring you joy, in turn brings me
joy.  I had to sell my car due to not being able to drive.  Not PD post, I
sure needed to talk about it.  I needed alot of feedback.  If that offended
some of you, like it was stated you have a delete key, use it.  I use mine.  I
did not ask for PD and I am trying to cope this best way I knew how.  I don't
want to be miserable, or bitter and only unisubject.  I like to laugh, I enjoy
life even at it's worst.  It (PD) is bad enough, but vent is in my laughter.
I love people and to show I want to know about people.  We share this monster
like disease.  It is to bad we can't all share the joy of each other and life.

I will make sure I label my posts so you won't have to be bothered about life
going on around us.  I will still ask how Pebbles is.  She is as important to
me as my pets are to me.  My friends are important also and I don't just talk
PD to them my legs and feet are swollen, very discolored but none of the
doctors know why.  I have this rash on my face, in my hair sorta like the
dandruff from Planet X, My back is killing me, my taste has changed, my teeth
are falling apart and my Neurologist died.  I could go on just like everyone
else but why.  We know, We know off & on. We know the meds and going to the
doctor.  It is never ending.    It is so depressing PD is by itself, but I
also have Bi-Polar Manic Depression.   Som times  I end up just sobbing,
sitting at the computer.  But you don't know that, because that is probably
not PD which you don't want & you won't know me.  We have lives going on
within the PD or maybe I'm the only one. If Simon Luke Thomas (not real) is
having problems with his son, would that be considered PD?  I really am
curious.  No offense meant. This is already to long.  I don't need to defend
myself.  My life just isn't one thing, it is a multitude of things I don't
talk to my husband only 1 subject or my friends ..
Still Hugs to everyone.
and Betty CG to Jim this hugs for you all