

Sun, 9 Aug 1998 09:19:29 +0000 "Helen J. Coleman" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Amen to Bruse Anderon - I had just written my own complaint when I read
his.  NO, Bruce - YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE.I like kiddie cats and puppy
dogs as much as the next person but PLEASE - not on the Parkinson's
Information Exchange - operative words - Parkinson's INFORMATION. >>>>

Hello Helen,

If you think personal messages should be sent off-list, you should have been
consequent and have sent the above NOT PD message off-list to Bruce.

If you only want to receive the INFORMATION: there is a site in Great
Brittain, that summarizes only the "useful" information from this list.
I'll resent the posting by Simon Coles in a seperate message after this
message, how to join PD-NEWS.
