

Hi Listserv,

No Bruce, you are not the only one.  We had a woman over last night who
is on the listserv and she said she hardly ever has time to wade through
all the posts.  It would be a great help if we could tell the by heading
if this is something we want to read.  If not, just push the delete
button.  I find myself having to read almost the whole post before I can
tell if this is a topic that I need to read.

Please, change the subject heading if you are changing the subject.  It
would be a GREAT help to the rest of us on the list.

Bev c/g; Murph PWP 56/7

On Sun, 9 Aug 1998 22:19:25 -0400 Bruce Anderson
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
>For a bunch of educated people some of you don't read so hot!  BETTY,
>Judy, don, Nancy M,  Hilary.
>I am not trying to be a wise guy.  But please reread my post.  I am
>the last
>one around here to want to put a kabash on the chit chat.  I love the
>chat.  It's just that I don't have time to read it all.  I have 2
>complaints - still unaddressed  - no NOT PD if isn't, and using the
>subject heading long after its demise.  I was not picking on dogs or
>cats or
>anything  in particular. This has been a topic before and it has been
>clearly settled. The vast majority of the 50+ or so of us active
>want the NON PD stuff.  Don't pick on Ken and Gina for me, Betty.  I
>read Ken and Gina. Ken is my favorite Liberal in the whole world!
>But I am absolutely certain that that we are in danger of losing some
>extremely valuable contributors to this list if we can't at least TRY
>maintain a bit of  labeling discipline.  That's all - LABELING
>I have heard from one of these folks, who told me of others (one of
>them, an
>MD, helped me personally once) who aren't pleased with opening a post
>having it say.........       I can personally think of half a dozen
>members we don't hear enough from any longer.  And I am not talking
>Udall experts.
>I now add a third complaint.  People who don't read so hot!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bruce Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
>To: A. Parkinson List <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Sunday, August 09, 1998 11:10 AM
>Subject: PD vs NOT PD
>>Does anyone else out there on this list wish that we could all PLEASE
>>posts NOT PD that have have nothing whatever to do with Parkinson's
>>Or am I the only one?
>>And does anyone else out there hope that we could all get away from
>>practice of not changing the Subject heading until it is so far
>>he original post that it no longer even involves the human race?
>>It seems to me that it used to be easier to stick to reading the
>>posts than it  is now.  Deleting individuals rather than subjects is
>a poor
>>and unfortunate substitute.
>>If I AM the only one - well excuse me and go to it!
>>Bruce Anderson (52,4)