

Darwin Hawkins wrote:

>"To PD or NOT to PD, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the
>mind of man to suffer the pangs of outrageous misfortune- - - -"

You beat me to it Darwin! No worries here it is anyway

PD or Not PD that is the question,

Whether 'tis better to the list to send

a host of posts, each telling of our woes,

Or to take up arms against our sea of troubles,

and by opposing, end them.  To laugh; to smile;

To grin;  and by our laughter find we end

The heartache and the thousand shocks

That flesh is heir to, 'tis a result

Devoutly to be wish'd.  To laugh; to smile;

To laugh; perchance be happy: ay there's the rub;

For in that moments' joy what health may come,

To help us shuffle through this mortal coil

and give our PD pause.

                (with apologies to W Shakespeare
                    and anyone else who wants one)

Dennis Greene 48/11
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