

hi bruce

you wrote:

>For a bunch of educated people some of you don't read so hot!
>BETTY, Nita, Judy, don, Nancy M,  Hilary. I am not trying to be
>a wise guy.  But please reread my post. I am the last one around
>here to want to put a kabash on the chit chat.  I love the chit chat.
>It's just that I don't have time to read it all.
>I have 2 complaints - still unaddressed  -
>no NOT PD if isn't,
>and using the same subject heading long after its demise.

i agree whole heartedly with you bruce
and try to use precise message-subject-headers
even to the extent of adding / things / on / to / the / end
of the existing subject description

new list members and new internet users are always joining us
and are bound to
required to
make some mistakes, big and little
that's the only way we humans learn anything

>I was not picking on dogs or cats or anything  in particular.
>This has been a topic before and it has been clearly settled.
>The vast majority of the 50+ or so of us active members
>want the NON PD stuff.  Don't pick on Ken and Gina for me, Betty.
>I always read Ken and Gina.
>Ken is my favorite Liberal in the whole world!

me too!

>But I am absolutely certain that that we are in danger of losing some
>extremely valuable contributors to this list if we can't at least TRY to
>maintain a bit of labeling discipline. That's all - LABELING discipline.

we are all human and prone to goof-ups
i cannot expect myself to be perfect
i cannot expect anyone else to be perfect
all i can do is try to do the best i can
and hope others do too

>I have heard from one of these folks, who told me of others
>(one of them, an MD, helped me personally once) who aren't
>pleased with opening a post & having it say.........
>I can personally think of half a dozen list members
>we don't hear enough from any longer.
>And I am not talking about Udall experts.

we can only guess why some people stop writing
we are on the leading edge of a new medium
it's an uncharted frontier

>I now add a third complaint.
>People who don't read so hot!

when your 'complaints' make me grin,
i figure third time's a charm!

your cyb-sis


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