

On Fri 07 Aug, Dennis Greene wrote:

> On the subject of sleep benefit per se I am once more in agreement with
> Brian (Brian - this must be some sort of record <grin>)
Hello Dennis - What can I say, to a man with such clarity of vision and
immaculate logic!

Now here's a little test for you to try: a few days ago, we were discussing
freezing and related subjects and someone came in with quite a lot of what
seemed to me to be rather far out claims,  You and I gave him a rather rough
ride, and he retired no doubt somewhat bruised.

A few days ago, I found myself thinking about one of this person's claims:
That it was easier to walk without freezing if you looked straight ahead and
avoided looking down, so I thought I would try it during my half-hour of
freezing after getting out of bed. (I get this if I have not had enough
sleep the night before - blame the Internet). I have to report that it really
does work! It's not a cure, but I am convinced that it has made a significant
improvement. It is possible that its usefulness may fade after a few weeks,
as happens with other tricks to fool our faltering brain, and I am a little
worried that I may tread on my grandson, but I feel that I owe our unknown
friend an apology.
Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>