

>On Sun, 9 Aug 1998 16:22:19 EDT JON A MEYER <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>>A friend of mine is taking a class to become a massage therapist and
>>she was assigned to write a paper on massage therapy on parkinsons
>>Does anyone have information on sources that she can use to help her
>>with her project?

There is an article entitled "Parkinson's Disease & Massage Therapy" in the
Winter 1996 issue of _Massage Therapy Journal_ pages 34-37 by Dietrich
Miesler that your friend should look at.
Among other things the article declares that "massage seems to enhance the
utilization of L-dopa in its various forms" that "the well-documented
stress-reducing capabiolities of massage" are important for PWP.  The
article concentrates on the muscle rigidity of PD and what the massage
therapist can do to bring about relief. Mieslerends the article by
cautioning the therapist "take one step at a time and don't contribute to
your client's discouragement by over-promising."


     Sid Roberts   68/3   <[log in to unmask] >     Youngstown, Ohio