

PD or Not PD- That AIN'T The Question

I'm bemused at the current (discourse?debate?flame?) over
superfluous messages posted to this world-wide e-mail forum. As
usual, my view seems to be at right angles to everyone else's,
so here it is:

Without a doubt, there are many messages posted that interest
only a few listmembers. When there are many, the burden of
sifting out the chaff is tiresome for all the rest of us.

It doesn't matter if a message is about PD or not! Most of us
welcome a little humor, anecdote, confession, sympathy, etc. as
relief from the dreary litany of PD, PD, PD. That content is one
of the things that makes this particular list so great and so
enduring where others have failed.

What does matter is whether a message is private or public. Even
if it is about PD, it's worthless and annoying if it only
replies to some other message that the rest of us have never
seen. What's this all about? Delete! If on the other hand you
have something to say that might interest a lot of us, be it
only a new joke (please, no more Viagra, Monica, or Titanic)
then by all means send it to the whole list.

If you are corresponding with only one or a few persons, please
keep it private. Listening to a party line is no fun if we only
hear one side of the conversation. I believe virtually all
e-mail programs make the choice very simple. You have one button
that says TO:MAIL, one that says RE(ply):MAIL and another that says
RE(ply):ALL, or some similar set of choices. Before you hit the SEND
button, take a look at the address line at the top of your message and
make sure it says where you really want the message to go. It's that
simple. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013