

We don't need to be a doctor to prescribe this drug.
There are many ways of healing the body, the mind and the spirit.
Here's one!

The Universal Rx
No moving parts, no batteries,
No monthly payments and no fees,
Inflation proof, non-taxable.
In fact it's quite relaxable,
It can't be stolen, won't pollute,
One size fits all, do not dilute.
It uses little energy,
But yields results enormously.
Relieves your tension and your stress,
Invigorate your happiness.
Combats depression,
Makes a beam,
And elevates your self-esteem!
Your circulation it corrects,
Without unpleasant side effects,
It is, I think, the perfect drug!
May I prescribe to you then,
my friend... the HUG?!!
(of course fully returnable)
This is an ELECTRONIC HUG.  You're not obligated to pass it on.
No misfortune will befall on you if you don't wish to keep this going.
However, most people have someone they want to HUG, so why not
take this opportunity to make that someone feel better?
This can be sent to someone you know who needs a really good warm HUG... old
friends, new friends, relatives, anyone...
In this day and age of hatred, killings, and maimings,
think that most people could use a good HUG.
You've just been E-HUGGED from someone
who cares about you.


Nancy B cg for don 64/15