

Dear Will-- thanks for the lovely account of Charlee's invasion of the NH,
and the good it did for your Mom and the other patients.  I was reminded
that one of our support group members here has a daughter who does this
kind of thing--she takes her own dog, and invites others to volunteer with
her with their pets, to local NHs, to visit the residents, and they were
even written up recently in our local paper. What a neat idea--and I'm also
delighted that our condo, where we now have an apartment, and the
retirement community we plan to move to (when it is built!) both allow a
pet--I don;'t know that I'd want to move there if Mimi-Ji, the cat who owns
me, couldn't go along!


>The reason I brought up the idea that this belonged on a Parkinson's disease
>forum is that I have seen elderly PWP "stored" in other nursing home s.


>Why is this on the Parkinson's List?
>What we did was not a particular hassle.  It required no special talent
>(unless you count giving birth to the puppies).  It produced good results.  It
>gave status to the powerless.  We all have situations like this under our very
>noses.  Nursing homes need a list of drugs contraindicated in PD for the
>staff.  -These are available on the list.  Take one to them.  Try to make
>someone feel special this week.
>WHH 55/19

        Shalom and Love, Camilla
        <[log in to unmask]>

                ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *
                *   Cats took many thousands of years  *
                *      to domesticate humans!          *
                ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *

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