

Dear R Hoover:

You ask some very good questions!

<<<First one is about how long we have been showing signs Of PD>>
Very often, the symptoms of Parkinson's are not recognized early on, or
they are attributed to other ailments or on the aging process itself.
Sometimes, it's not until a cluster of symptoms occur, or until the obvious
tremor appears that a person with Parkison's will seek diagnosis.

<<<Another.What are the symptoms.>>>>
The Cardinal symptoms include Tremor, Rigidity (stiffness), Bradykinesia
(slow movement) and Postural Instability (being unsteady, or falling).
Additional symptoms include gait disturbances, speech and swallowing
difficulties, depression, dementia and episodes of freezing. There can be a
wide variety of additional symptoms such as dermatological (skin)changes,
blood pressure changes, sexual difficulty pain and dexterity difficulties.

<<<<How far back do we go without the feeling [ Ha ] is this a
legitimate Symptom, Or was something else causing it?>>>>
As stated above, people often do not seek treatment early on. Some people
have been misdiagnosed and some people have been told their symptoms are
all psychological!

With all the health problems and difficulties you've encountered, it is a
shame you were not diagnosed in a more timely manner.  I'm wondering if
some of your symptoms were overlooked or attributed to the acute illnesses
you were battling.

It sounds as though you have a wonderful fighting spirit! I think a true
"lady" would be more than glad to have you!! With all that you've endured,
and with what I imagine is a gleam in your eye, who could resist?

It's okay to be angry for a period of time, but try keep it positively
directed. Staying angry enough to fight the challenges that Parkinson's
brings can be positive.

Take care!

Bonnie Cunningham, R.N.

Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 16:44:10 -0500
From: R Hoover <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Hi Comiserating

-Since being accepted for the PD listserve have mostly just lurked around.
Now I guess I have some questions too.
   First one is about how long we have been showing signs Of PD
    Another.What are the symptoms.
        How far back do we go without the feeling [ Ha ] is this a
legitimate Symptom, Or was something else causing it?
    I was officially Diagnosed with PD about 3 years ago.
    One DR. said NO all you have is intentional tremors. A neurologist agree
with me that I did indeed have it.
    In 1990 I had 4 bypasses put  in.In 1991 I had a heart attack I have
added Eczema , Raynauds Decease, had colon cancer removed and lost my wife
to kidney cancer. I shake I tell people that I must be a Quaker. I think I
am losing my mind, my balance is poor, with some of these things going back
10 years ago or possibly 15 years . I have come to the opinion that it takes
much longer for someone to finally believe we have some things.
    I am on 25/100 sin. 3 times a day. 1/2mg Mirapex 3 times a day. Plus my
blood pressure medicine.
    If this this PD is going to destroy me It is going to have to fight like
H*** ..
    Oh yes I am 73 years old . do you think that any lady would have me ?
Angry ? You better believe it !!