

Dear Gil:

To begin, you should really bring this list of questions to the doctor.
Even thought there are some common ways medications are administered, the
doctor may have a specific protocol, for very specific reasons, that he may
want followed. If he/she does not offer the information, it is up to you to
ask, as difficult as that may be.

I will provide some basic answers to your questions, but please realize
these answers are about the medicine in GENERAL.  If anyone reading has
been instructed differently by their neurologist, follow that advice!

1.Should Tasmar be taken simultaneously with Sinemet CR?

Tasmar is meant to work with Sinemet. If you are asing about taking a
Tasmar pill the same time (time of day) as Sinemet, that all depends.
GENERALLY, Tasmar is ordered 3x/day. According to the literature from
Roche, the manufacturer, the 1st dose of the day is usally given at the
same time as the 1st dose of Sinemet. Subsequent doses are given at six
hours after the first dose and then six hours after the second dose. **Ask
the doctor if there are specific times Tasmar shoud be taken**

2.How does one know whether to reduce Sinemet CR and/or Sinemet when taking

Tasmar will even out ON/OFF times associated with Sinemet, but
unfortunately, in a lot of people, symptoms associated with Sinemet (such
as dyskinesias) may also become more apparent.  Have the doctor tell you
which, if either medication should have a reduced dosage.

3.How does one know if the Tasmar dosage is too much or too little?

As above, if too much, there may be an increase of dyskinesias or other
side effects of Sinemet. If not enough, there may be little, if any change
in the ON/OFF times.  We have to remember that not all medications work the
same on everyone.

4.If one takes three 100mg Tasmar pills,what is the best time to take it?

Explained in # 1, but that is GENERAL information.  Ask the doctor!!!

5.If one takes six 100mg Tasmar pills per day,is it better to spread the
six pills evenly over the day or is it better to take two pills three times
a day, and when during a day is best?

Again, explained in #1.

6.How long does the effect of the Tasmar last on the average?

According to the literature, the elimination of half life is 2-3 hours,
which means at that point, within the bloodstream, about half the dosage
remains.  So, mathematically, it remains in your system 4-6 hours.

7.What PD symptoms are most commonly helped?

It is intended to reduces the ON/OFF fluctuations so many people have.
Since it enhances Sinemet, it is meant to relieve many symptoms.

8.What are common Tasmar and/or Sinemet over-dosage effects?

Over dosage side effects are nausea, vomiting, dizziness. There can be a
number of side effects of these two medications or ANY medication.

I hope this information has helped a little bit.  I know it can all be very
confusing and scary. The best advice is to keep an open line of
communication with the doctor.  Even though we all feel intimidated at
times, it is important that you know about and understand the medications
and their purpose. If you feel you are not given appropriate guidelines,
perhaps it is time to find another doctor that you feel more comfortable

Good luck to both you and Aliza.

Bonnie Cunningham, R.N.
Patient Services