


Again, kudos to you for this effort!  I proudly nominate California for
having the most support groups, solely on the basis of probability, i.e.,
we're the most populous state!

Carole Cassidy

At 01:52 PM 8/12/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Hi Folks:  As I previously posted one time I am creating a National Data Base
>of PD Support groups. My past experience is that the many lists are not kept
>up to date and may be as much as 50 percent obsolete. Therefore in creating
>the data base I am attempting to contact each group by phone or mail to
>the accuracy of my information. I am in essence merging the lists of the
>APDA,NPF, PDF PAN and many state groups that have sent me information. I am
>estimating that I will identify and place in the data base in excess of 1300
>groups. If you have a list of local groups please forward on to me you list
>for consideration.
>The State lists will be dispensed to any PD organization asking me for
>printouts at no cost.  Once I have reviewed a state  I will automatically
>every s.g. in that state an up to date list of the state.
>This is turning out to be more work than   I thought but  recently several
>groups have offered some assistance. I  can print mailing label for each
>and will do so for any group at a nominal cost. There is no reference in the
>lists that any group is affiliated with any organization since this is a
>cooperative effort and it is designed to be shared with all for the
benefit of
>we people with PD.
>To those persons and groups who have sent me lists and offered suggestions I
>thank you all publicly now. Would you believe that OHIO has in excess of 92
>groups. Does anyone care to speculate which state has the most and the least
>number of support groups.
>Dale Severance 57/12   Just relaxing away a Wednesday afternoon.