

I joined the list today.  This is my first transmittal.  My brother has
parkinsons disease and was diagnosed about three years ago.  He also may
have had a stroke prior to the diagnosis.  He was walking about a mile
last christmas, but has since begun to have the shuffle-gate he now
has.  He reads about his condition, but is quite isolated - living in a
small Texas town and not having access to the internet.  I know there is
too much to ask in one transmittal.  I have one initial request.  Are
there some listmembers in the area of Electra, Texas (Wichita County)
who might contact my brother and include him in their area-specific
support group(s)?  His name and address:

Wayne M. Shirley
Box 769
Electra, Texas  76360

Vestel B. Shirley, Ph.D. , Laboratory Manager
Natural Resources & Environmental Design, NCA&TSU
1601 East Market Street, Greensboro, NC, 27411
Tel: (336) 334-7243
Fax: (336) 334-7844
email: [log in to unmask]