

My mother Joyce (68/1 year) is not doing well. She's on 25/100 Sinemet
3x/day; 21 mg Requip (taken 3x/day in 7 mg. doses); and 10 mg. NAHD (sp??).
She is very rigid (left side), is bothered my internal tremors, has
difficulty breathing sometimes, is stooping, and has a heavy head. She also
has numb toes as well as swelling around the ankles and feet, along with
some discoloration. The one improvement is in her balance, which was bad in
the past.

She tried Tasmar and has also been on Permax and Paxil. She never felt any
dramatic improvement from any of these drugs.

After seeing her MDS today, he suggested that she might have a Parkinsonian
disease. He is taking her off the Requip in the next 10 days and giving
Amandine (sp??) a try.

I have a few questions: First, is saying you have a Parkinsonian disease
the same as saying you have Parkinson's Plus? If not, what's the

Also, if you have a Parkinsonian disease, would you be likely to respond to
some PD drugs? How much of a response (or lack thereof) do you have to
experience to rule out PD or to say it's a Parkinsonian disease?

Finally,  is the prognosis the same for someone with a Parkinsonian disease
as it is with a PWP? (I realize that the benefit from drugs will not be
there with the former, but is life expectancy the same?)

As always, thanks.

Debbie White
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