

I was denied disability 2 times and then I hired an attorney.  When I asked
him how much this would cost, he stated "I charge by the hour".  Things
started to go wrong from the very beginning.  He went on vacation and then he
got sick for about 2 weeks. I finally received a letter from SS and they
stated that the hearing I had filed for was being denied.  That I had finally
made the SSI family.  But the part that is so confusing is the Attorney.  I
called SS agency located here, and asked a few questions.  But it is almost
impossible to get by without an attorney.  I reseached the plan to move this
along.  I researched the hold out portion and the lump sum.  I have yet to
receive an itemized bill from the attorney.  This attorney has called me 2
times and I have only seen him 2 times.
There were some item of information that he needed.   Felt that I was ws doing
the wok.  This is still a mess.  ya