

Yesterday I posted here on the List stating that I'd been told by Kaiser
Permanente that Dr. David Pitts would no longer be performing collagen
injections into the vocal cords at the Kaiser Metropolitan facility (in Los
Angeles) because Dr. Pitts now practices out of the Kaiser Baldwin Park
facility - which, while still in the Greater Los Angeles area is only slightly
closer to my home San Fernando Valley home than the moon.

I spent the morning calling all the Kaiser facilities even remotely closer to
my home then  Baldwin Park looking for an MD who did the collagen injections,
with no luck.  Finally, I called Dr. Pitts himself, telling him that I was
VERY upset at not being able to continue the beneficial collagen injections,
and asked him for a referral within the Kaiser system,

EUREKA!!  Dr. Pitts said he has been training Kaiser's Dr. Lim in this
procedure and Dr. Lim will be starting to perform the collagen injections
towards the end of September at the Kaiser Metropolitan facility.


Barb Mallut
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