

Dear Gina,
I guess we have to stick to the 'bear' facts!!!
As long as Stubby doesn't become 'cat'atonic - or develop  an oedi'puss'
complex - no hard felines!!!!
                  (joke hshs)

Hilary Blue


Gina Cass. wrote:
> Dear Joe:
> A few questions about Janet's Stubby.
> 1.  How did you find out Stubby is afraid of Bears?
> 2.  Is he afraid of regular bears or Teddy Bears?
> 3.  Does he keep his Fear hidden?
> 4.  Is he in therapy?  Name of therapist.
> I am curious as I have quite a few bears. I would like them to be introduced
> into the Sparki's Bear Family with ease.  Don't want to put them into trama.
> And I know Janet, she treats her babies well.
> Thank you
> Little Bear Hugs {{{{{{{Joe}}}}}}}     {{{{{{{{Janet}}}}}}}}
> Gina