

If you I look back at pictures taken of me 5 years before any sign of PD
you can tell then that I had a masked face. I had a blank stare and a
drooping mouth. Those were pictures taken of me with me not knowing it was
going to be taken. If it were a posed picture I looked fine. The smile was
there. I bet if a lot of us look back at old pictures they may see the same


At 12:59 PM 8/17/98 -0700, Marling McReynolds wrote:
>I am curious about people who have the "mask".  How did it start,
>How did you know that it was happening, How did it feel inside as it
>took over, and how long did it take to get frozen?????
>It has been suggested that my new shudder and accompanying
>involuntary grimace might be the beginning of the "mask".
>Thank you for your help and for being willing to talk about all of this.
>"don't forget how to laugh, and do it often"
>[log in to unmask]