

Hi Bernard Shaw
>Morbus Parkinson. Parkinson's disease. How I hate the word DISEASE.

But that's only because of the current connotations of the word.
However, if you go back to its roots, it denotes EXACTLY what we PWP
have - DIS-EASE - which is more like the Chinese medicine term -

Trouble with PC speech and thought is that all too often it results in a
further complication and/or weasel words. Take the word "homosexual"
which is quite generic and of itself not objectionable.  But people
objected to it because they objected to what it described. So someone
decided to hijack the word gay, which is now to all intents and purposes
lost to those of us who used to mean light-hearted, fun etc. Sad.

My vote is: say what you mean, and don't fuss about the connotations.
They'll only find a worse word!


>My plea, Members of the Medical Fraternity and all those people that in one
>way or another have any thing to do with Parkinson's please obliterate the
>word disease. A whole lot of people will thank You for not using this word.
>Parkinson is a bothersome thing that will eventually be controlled with some
>new drug with no side effects. That is my hope for all of us that are PWPs

Jeremy Browne - [log in to unmask]
Hampshire, UK