

Hello Jeremy:  I believe it is a terrible shame to judge others by a word, a
name, a look, a device.  But that is what society has done over the years.
People pick the word that sets them apart, they become unique.  I was taught
in recent years that I am not unique, I am not better than anyone.  Maybe my
cirmcumstances are different but not the people.  Working with chemically
addicated, homeless, gay, lesbion,  straight,  the list goes on. But as I
worked with  an agency to  help, it becomes sad that there is a list.  We
can't help the less fortunate in our country, we can't even help research to
look for a cure or more help with PD, or Altzheimemrs,  whatever it is.
Lord, make me the instrument of your peace
where there is hatred--let me sow love
Where there is injury -- pardon
Where there is doubt--faith
Where there is despair--hope
Where there is darkness --  Light
and Where there is sadness -- joy
O Divine Master, grant that
I may not so much seek
To be consoled -- as to console
To be understood -- as to understand
To be loved -- as to love
It is in giving -- that we receive
It is in pardoning --tht we are pardoned
It is in dying -- that we are born to eternal life.

I can't say I believe in relgion I don't really know, but I do know that this
prayer states some things I do believe in.   What happened to taking care of
our neighbor?  When I was still driving I was giving rides to women (not good
for women to men and men to women) to meetings, to drs, to store what ever.
Sure I know I got one now and then that used me, but I met some women who were
chemically dependent but where great.  There but for the grace of god go I.
I have to treat my PD like this.  I keep busy with other things.  I get on the
phone and talk to other addicts, other PD, other homebound people  that is
what I need to do.  And you know I still use the word gay for happy, etc.  We
all have choices.
Gotta Let The Dogs Out