

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   61     deg. F
I have  recently phoned four New England U.S. Senators' offices. I
emphatically told their offices that I will ask people to  vote FOR them
if they work to get EARMARKED funding for Parkinson's, and will tell
people to vote against them if they oppose EARMARKING moneys for

Senator Gregg of New Hampshire is on Appropriations.  Senator Jeffords of
Vermont was one of the 3 opposing votes in the 95-3 vote for the Udall

Senators Snowe and Collins of Maine are my Senators.  Senator Collins
office called back and gave me an appointment for Friday, September 4.

When I talked about  people possibly voting AGAINST them, the Senators