

Hello everybody: I usually try to send individual e-mails to separate
people, but
with school starting on Thursday (this year, we'll have one in 3rd & one
in 5th), my kids seem hell-bent on driving me crazy-trying to squeeze
every last bit of summer out of the last week! So, here I go again.
Camilla-thanks for passing along the post of Hilary's...I gave it to my
daughter to read & she said, "Mom, I have always wanted you to
french-braid my hair, too!" So thanks to Hilary, too! When I get my life
back, I will try to think of some questions as you suggested. To Rita
Weeks-Thanks to you also for the great letter you sent about pen-pals; I
passed it along to Allison. I'm afraid that at 10 yrs. old, the thought
of corresponding with a boy is just too scary! (Thank the Lord!) She
really liked the idea of being pen-pals with you, Becky. Could you
please, at your leisure, write to Ali, off list, to kinda break the ice?
It would mean alot to both of us! Also, could you include your survey
questions?  That is another thing that I have been meaning to do-but it
got buried under the stack of remodeling papers which are now piled in
my office along with boxes of dishes, etc., which I will probably get
around to unpacking in the year 2000! Jerry Finch-you blew me away with
your tender, touching story about a topic that is on all of our minds
but never quite know how to bring it up in conversation. All that
talent...& webpages, too!
BTW, speaking of talent, may I indulge a bit of hero-worship? Beverly
are you indeed the author of  "Parkinsonnets", my new favorite? Jeannie
sent me a copy & I just love to spend time reading & rereading it. It
makes me feel better just knowing that I am bound by fate to such gifted
people! Judith, the article about the procedure for tremors gives me
such hope! If I were ever to consider going "under the knife" again...
Jeannine-great webpage, Marling-I'll have to save my masking story for
another time! Gina-hope that you're feeling better; that "birds on the
bedposts" tale sent chills up my spine...brrr! I guess that I'd better
quit dropping names & go see if my kitchen looks any different-it is
under destruction! May God Bless You All for your friendship & support!

Joan Snyder (47/8) "Do or do not. There is no try."-Yoda
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