

Oh, I really wished I could have seen that.  I do think there are wide uses
for the chain saw.  Besides the unlimited  uses in the Bathroom and Kitchen,
all at once or simutanlouly.  Well of course if you are cutting meat on a
wooden cutting board it will not work.  Oh it will work, but you'll cut a hole
clear through it.  So try one of the White Plastic/resin things.  Cut down
chicken cutting time by 30 minutes.  No Knead to wait for thawing to cut.
Veggies all at once.  Saran Wrap will no longer hold you up.  Dish water
bubbles give out?  Not now with your little Chopper.  Stick it in the sink and
bubbles come from everywhere.
So This is Hair cut day.  Line them up and give them all a new hair cut.
Name it Little Chopper Hopper Day.   If you want to color it, dip the blade,
of course while it is turning, and lay the blade on their head.  How about
those nasty little nose and ears hairs.  Just right for laying it in gently to
trim those pesky little areas.  Now, your on your own if you wish to shave
your pits, legs, bikini area and that moutauche over the lip.
How would pouchie ever get a clean shave without the Little Chopper?  The cat
will probably not sit still for this so use your pocket knife to get a clean
shave on kitty
If you find that you can't find the Little Chopper, check next door with
neighbors kids.  Shrubs are looking a little strange and the convertible also
looks odd.

With the Little Chopper you can create a lovely new addition to your house.
Cut new holes for windows or doors.   Old appliances become so easy to dispose
of  or fix.  Settle arguements over food in the old fashioned way.

There isn't a hangnail problem Chopper can't cure.  Can't see your toenails to
cut them this will help out.  Have those thick toenails, not any more.
Alterations for clothes (optional to remove person or not).
want to Evict the pestky renter?  Chopper is the Bopper is the one for the

Ken:  I always wanted to list classes.  The one I thought was the best was
"Father screw-up 101"  Of course that was different language.
I go to the Rush Chicago Med Center - Thursday.  I worry about my caregiver.
He won't even talk about PD.