

Dear Betty & Jim:  Congratulations on acquiring "Peanut".  The name is also
quite catchy.  She probably likes it in the Playpen.  She may feel safe.  9
weeks is a baby.  What does she look like?  Does she like riding in the car?
You sound so excited and that is wonderful.
She will probably love traveling to Kentucky and steal your Aunt's heart away.
Does she resemble any breed?
Well, you will have to tell me all about her.
How are you Betty?  The weather here has broken from the heat.   It is nice
and cool.  Days around 70's nights around 50's I like this temp.
Peanut keeping you busy?  I hope you have a wonderful vacation.  I hope to go
camping soon.  After all is calmed down.

I have another Doc's appointment in Chicago.  She is a MD, roots in
Neruological Medicine with Speciality in Movement Disorders.  I hope this will
help with the problems I'm having.  I am quite put off with Larrry, Curly and
Moe for being so wrapped up in themselves they could only see the arguement 16
years ago and not treating me.
What a mess.
Oh, Betty I bought a port-a-crib and a baby cradle for the teddy bears,
dollies, and have been trying to fix the room.  I'm going to paint it White
and then a band of a pastel color yellow around the room,  and then I'm going
to put "Hand Prints" on the band.  It also has many, many die cast cars and
the like.  And then I have Radio Flyer Wagon, Radio Flyer Wheelbarrow, a
Carousel Horse to ride on, a riding wooden horse, well the room is filled with
stuff, Barbies, Elmos, Ernies,  a soda shoppe table setting,  a kitchen
setting, and a Time Out Bench.
Well, I just go on go.
How are you Jim?  Staying busy I hear.  I marvel because I asked my husband to
make me a box to hold a bunch of antique wooden blocks.  They have Mickey
Mouse, Minnie Mouse etc.   I am still waiting for the box.  But that is ok.
He is now working on my pond.  Someone gave us a Large Satelite dish and I
recommended burying it and building around it for a pond.   It is a project in
progress, long time progress.

I have tried to email you about 2 different times.  I have missed some mail so
I would imagine that in the Dead Email in Cyberspace are all of these posts
resting comfortably there.
Well you two take care.  I have found out that insomnia is not much fun, part
of the fact that the dogs have become quite used to being up all night. They
stay up and fall asleep in chairs, couches, beds, dog beds, floor, my lap,

Well gotta go and get cleaned up.
Love you
Hugs to you three {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Betty, Jim,