

Susan, Medicare kicks in at 65. the trick looking for a supplement which covers
what you need. the J plan in supplements pays 1/2 of the medicine after a 250.00.
My husband and I have stuck with that, I am picky about the doctors I see. Then
there are HMOs which. for a fee (not much, I hear.) will allow  you to go to other
MDs. And some prescriptions services. My  friend who has one is, unfortunately,
out of town was telling me about one
she should be back in about a week. I will write you then and tell you what it is.
This time I will write off line, because I don't want to advertise on the list. I
have just stayed with what I have. Try AARP, when I was looking they did not have
a J plan. I have the J plan and may switch to H or I. I am probably speaking Greek
to you, I know. The plans vary in what they will pay for but every plan from any
company has to match the ones from the others. It hard  to watch someone you love
who has PD.  By the way, some companies charge more than others. It is the
medications that are the problem.

Just as soon as my friend gets back in town I will let you know what she has.
Don't run away.

Susan Wilson wrote:

> Nita,
> It was a pleasure to hear from you and I value any advise that I can get. My
> seach is for regular/HMO insurance - not nursing home insurance. My father is
> able to collect Medicare - (is that the one that kicks in when you hit
> 60-62?). The supplemental insurance is incredible if you what your
> prescriptions covered at all.
> My parents thought ahead years ago and invested, etc. but will that all be
> lost due to PD and the cost of meds and medical care - how teribly sad.
> I also have to admt that I am a part time reader and rarely post. My knowledge
> is minimal and my fear is high. My dad hasn't ever let on much about his
> situation (and he has what the call a "minor" case of PD), but I can see
> changes already.
> My sister-in-law is the real reseach engine. She can find anything and she
> keeps telling me that information is power and not to loose sight of that. I
> do my best to listen to her and read on.
> Thanks for the advice I really appreciate your help.
> _Susan