

Camilla, Wendy, et al...

Compazine is a MAJOR "no-no" for folks having PD!!  It can exacerbate the PD
symptoms to an unbelievable level of discomfort!

I'd discovered, many years prior to the accident and subsequent
hospitalization, that I had adverse reactions to Compazine 'cause I'd been
given a drug called "COMBID," a drug composed partly of Compazine, during my
second pregnancy about 30 years ago, and had a terrible reaction.  There was
PD-like tremor, stiffness, and hallucinations which lasted several days after
Id' stopped taking the Combed.

At that time, my MD told me I was "allergic" to Compazine, and to NEVER take
it again.  Heeding his words, thereafter, when giving my personal medical
information to a doctor or hospital, I ALWAYS stated I was allergic to
Compazine and to drugs containing Compazine.

In my "pre-diagnosis-but-having-some-undiagnosed-PD-symptoms-days"  I was
given Compazine in error while in the hospital due to a horseback riding

That experience was one of the single-most terrible medical-related episodes
I've EVER had!!  It was absolutely NO consolation to me when the MD and
charge nurse both came into my room - where I was all a-tremor, clawing at my
skin which felt  "creepy," and thought I was floating on the ceiling - and
apologized, saying I'd mistakenly been given Compazine the previous night by a
nurse who hadn't correctly read my chart which clearly stated I was allergic
to that drug.

I don't know if every Parkies experience with Compazine would be similar to
mine, but I suspect it would be.

ALSO - people who don't have and NEVER have PD have been known to get
temporary Parkinson's-LIKE symptoms occasionally when prescribed Compazine.
This  drug - while beneficial to many - is KNOWN to cause random PD-like
symptoms to SOME of those prescribed it.  It's not known WHO would get that
negative reaction until AFTER they get the reaction.

So, based upon MY experience, I'd advise if'n ya have PD, avoid Compazine like
the plague!!!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Camilla Flintermann
Sent:   Tuesday, August 18, 1998 6:55 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: NEWS:Drug-induced parkinsonism

Wendy-- I think I recall that compazine is a "no-no-drug" for PWPs,
whatever that says in your situation.

>I KNOW that a severe reaction that I had to the drug compazine years ago
>definitely had to play a large part in the damage that ultimately led to my
>pd.  I've had a few people tell me, when I've brought it up, that it only
>unmasked something that was already there.  That may be true, but I would've
>much preferred had it been unmasked at 80, rather than 25 or so.  A big
>difference, in my opinion.

        Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter  80/9
        <[log in to unmask]>

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