

Dear Listmembers,

I have been a member of this list for about two years.  My company, Axon
Instruments, Inc., makes the only FDA-approved microelectrode-guidance
system for neurosurgery for Parkinson's Disease and other movement
disorders (my boss made me put that in!).  We are working with a company
that makes "Patient Information" CDs that describe, in sometimes overly
simplistic terms, different kinds of neurosurgery.  We commissioned them to
make one for pallidotomy (and we will probably have them make similar disks
for thalamotomy and implantation of deep brain stimulators).  We have
placed a somewhat modified version (without the voice track) on our web

If anyone is interested in viewing it and, perhaps posting comments about
form and/or content I would be much appreciative.  The primary use of these
CDs is for surgical candidates to view in the surgeon's waiting room to
give them a little better idea about the surgery.  I should apologize in
advance for the first picture.  The CD company was adamant that we use
their art.  If it is too offensive to enough people, perhaps we could get
them to change it.

Thank you,

Andy Blatz, PhD
Axon Instruments, Inc.