

This is not a one issue world we live in. There are many balls we as a
human race have to keep in the air at the same time. The US of A may not
be perfect, but I know of no other place or government on this earth in
or under which I would rather live.

> ----------
> From:         Leo Fuhr[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:         Friday, August 21, 1998 7:49 AM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
> Subject:      Re: Fighting Terrorists
> Ivan Suzman said in part:
> ----------
> .  Mr. Clinton has not, in my humble opinion, advanced his
> > position, or America's popularity, by using bombs to deflect
> attention
> > away from Ms. Lewinsky.  If he would declare a "War on Disease," I
> would
> > THEN be a warrior!!
> >
> > Meanwhile the War on Parkinson's must be fully funded. Until the
> > government's priorities are changed, I  am truly too busy trying to
> > conquer Parkinson's Disease to agree meanwhile  to another  war on
> > "terrorists!"
> I agree with Ivan that using tax dollars for a meaningful war to
> improve
> the quantity and the quality of lives of pwp and to deter the disease
> from
> appearing in more people is where federal spending is most needed.
> Federal
> waste on the "investigation" of Pres. Clinton has lost many dollars
> that
> could have been spent on a number of more worthy causes.  Why should
> we sit
> quietly if Pres. Clinton postures and tries to avert our eyes from his
> past
> by making alot of noise with these hawkish behaviors?
> As citizens, we have an obligation to let President Clinton know our
> displeasure at his spending even more of the treasury on destroying
> others
> instead of supporting congress to fund research for Parkinson's that
> is
> robbing our country of productive, taxpaying citizens who could be
> cured/helped by this wiser use of taxes.
> Now is the time to call/write your representative/senator and ask for
> support to fully fund the Morris Udall bill for Parkinson's research
> and to
> earmark the funds for specifically Parkinson's research.  NIH could be
> held
> accountable for the $$$ they are given when asked to earmark and then
> report the results of those earmarked funds.  It is no more risky to
> fund
> research earmarked for pd research than it is to stir up more world
> aggression by using US monies to continue to look like the bullies
> that
> many other countries already perceive the USA to be.
> Jeanette Fuhr 47/9mo
> <[log in to unmask]>