

Mr. Blatz,
   You describe yourself as a previous contributor to this list so I will treat you as such. I'm generally nicer to guests.
 1.I hate illustrations when something better is available like real photographs. I travel a bit showing the video of my 2nd pallidotomy to various groups and no one has made a beeline for the door.So Mr.Blatz could I interest you in high quality color photos or a video, professionally shot?
Think it over and while you are doing so please feel free to visit me at my web site.

 2. May I assume that you make a salary of $150,000-200,000 a year and a bonus based on performance. Top management draws about a million? Is that a fair guess? I know I'm pushing on what is reasonable to ask but basically I'm just trying to establish that you represent a profit making company. That being true...

 3. Where are you on capital hill and how are you supporting passage of the appropriation of at least $100,000,000 for the next 3 years for PD Research?
Do you have a lobbyist working on it or are you part of a lobby group?  What kind of a budget do you have for lobbying for PD? How many PWP have have you financially sponsored in going to Washington to tell their stories? Would you be interested in supporting a Children's March for PD on Washington? Perhaps you could share some information about such matters that would let us know that you are in the trenches right along with us PWP

Thanking you kindly for listening. I await your answers

     George J. LussierAmazing grace! How sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    was blind, but now I see.

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