

Hi Andy:
I have never had the honor of speaking with you.  But as I read your post, I
felt I was there listening to the rise and fall of your voice.  The other
person shifting from side to side, little beads persperation beinging on the
forehead. Possibly pulling at the collor of the shirt.  A little further into
your words he puts his briefcase down, as you start to pace a little but never
out of his eyesight.  I felt the words stinging the truth at me never letting
my mind wander.  Knowing that you were speaking for yourself, but for me and
many other like me.  I believe that you nailed the point on all counts and hat
the conversation totally in your pocket.  I was held mesmerized by the content
you of knowledge you held and withdrew.  I saw the power of horses, eagles,
buffalo,  and all of the power animals in our world stomping and rearing,
turning and snorting behind you.  They were gathering this power, this
strength for you.  Knowing you were fighting the good fight.
I am in awe of your deliverance of a message needed to be said.
I thank you for speaking on my behalf.  No one has ever done it better.