

At 16:28 20-8-98 -0400, you wrote:
>If anyone has had any experience with unrelenting back pain (or opinions
>about it) caused by bad PD posture, I would appreciate it sincerely if you
>would contact me. [log in to unmask]
>Thanks, Bruce Anderson


I have suffered a few times from heavy back pain myself, which, so I
suppose is caused by dystonia. The best way to  prevent it for me is
walking at least one hour each day. By walking the low back muscles loosen
up. But when it is to late for that and the pain is not prevented but
already there I need a physiotherapist to be able to walk at all again. It
is the kind of pain which makes every movemnt of muscles involved a
torture.(And I have learned that in  nearly every movement one makes there
is some involvement of low back muscles) So I can't sit down when I stand
up and I can't stand up when I am sitting. Suffering from this condition
and at the same time from rather heavy dyskinesia has been  enough for me
to stop taking sinemet for 1 or 2 days. Which resulted in being able at
least not to move.
A few weeks ago this happened again and the physiotherapist who as usual
visited me at home gave me some excercises that I have to do nest to
walking, though he agreed that walking is the best thing to do. But if one
hates walking this execises are nearly as helpful. I think I can't clearly
describe these excercises in English and I don't even know whether your
pain is of the low back pain kind. But the general advise from this message
is: look out for a good physiotherapist.


Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,

Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]