

                I need your help.  Perhaps my medication is causing a side effect which is my problem. I do not know.  What do you think?
                Recently I have been having pains and swelling on my forearms.  Also it seemed as if a blood vessel broke because there was a discoloration at the point of swelling which looked like a boil. Over the years I have seen the discoloration on my legs and arms but it was never painful.
                 I am a Parkie for about eighteen years. I take Sinemet 100/25, (one tablet four times a day) Permax 0.25 (one and a half tablets twice before noon and one tablet in the evening and one before bedtime.
                Now I take Tasmar 200 mg three times a day.  All the medications seem to give me good relief.  I have seen my specialists who asked that I take several blood tests before I meet with him again.
                I am wondering if my pains and swelling are a direct result of Parkinson, unrelated or is it a side effect of any drug I am taking.  To anyone  out there if you have experienced the illness described let me know what can help.
Suraiya Pat

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